Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by periodic interruptions in breathing during sleep, can have serious implications for one’s health. It primarily comes in the form of obstructive sleep apnea, where the airway becomes partially or completely blocked, causing pauses and breaks in regular breathing patterns. Left untreated, it can lead to heart disease, hypertension and liver problems, among other issues.

Some common signs of sleep apnea include:

  • Extreme daytime drowsiness
  • Irritability, mood changes or behavioral changes
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Snoring
  • A dry or sore throat when waking
  • Frequent headaches in the morning

The first step in addressing sleep apnea is a diagnosis by a sleep physician. After you have been diagnosed, our dentists can work with you and your physician to create a treatment plan that will allow you to breathe easily at night and get the rest you need.

Treatment options for sleep apnea depend on the severity of your condition. For individuals with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, oral appliance therapy is often an excellent option. Oral appliance therapy is a noninvasive and effective treatment option, offering a comfortable and convenient solution for many patients. Your oral appliance are custom-made to fit over your teeth and serve to keep your airway open while you sleep. They function by preventing the tongue from obstructing the air passage or by maintaining your jaw in a position that prevents airway blockages during sleep.

If you suspect you may have sleep apnea or have been diagnosed and are looking for treatment options, we invite you to call Grove Dental Center at 201-200-0222 for more information about sleep apnea treatment in Jersey City, New Jersey, and to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sushma Halthore or Rashi. We are dedicated to helping you improve your health and quality of life.

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